Basic Info
This is a wiki for the 2011 RIP Course:
- RIP 2011 WebPage - The course webpage contains information about the class, PDFs of slides from lectures and reading material.
Contacts & Groups
- Student Contact - This is the contact info for students in the class. If your info is not listed, please add it.
- Group Matching - This page is for gathering groups. Please fill out your name, major and interests so we can get some good groups.
Final Project Info
- Project Ideas - Abstracts of final projects.
Final Project Pages
- Simultaneous Planning, Localization, and Mapping for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Sameer A., Billy G., Kyel O., William S.
- Path Planning for Object acquisition, analysis, and distribution - John T., Taylor W., Joseph R.
- Reasoning and Planning in Unknown Environments - The Rube Goldberg Machine - Can E., Matthew D., Azfar A., Kevin S.
- Multitask Handling - Yunfei B., Patrick D., Stephen M., Arjun M.
- A Planning Strategy for Sword Fighting - Adityan Srinivasan, Joan Davis and Munzir Zafar.
Location to put random interesting and useful links to share with fellow students.
- A* Heuristics introduction with visualizations and optimality comparisons. — Patrick Dillon
- A consistent heuristic (or monotone) is admissible and always incrementally approaches the goal. "It's necessary and sufficient for a heuristic to obey the triangle inequality in order to be consistent." — Patrick Dillon
PDDL Planning tips
All planners were not created equal. FF handles most PDDL files. Parse errors in the others can be fixed by rewriting your grammar to remove:
- Constants
- Axioms
- Complex (non-atomic) types
- The 'or' conjunction
In general, a grammar with many actions with few arguments will work 'better' than a grammar with few actions with many arguments. If you get stuck, just make the actions as simple as possible and use lots of them.
Interesting Links:
I'm not sure which is worse, that there's a facebook page for Satplan or that I'm the only one who currently likes it.
-Joseph (Casey) Rogers
GT Web Localizer:
For more information on how to get access to papers with your GT Account, check out my lab's wiki page here:
- Mike
Free Source Code Management:
- - Patrick Dillon
- - Patrick Dillon
Khatib Papers:
GT has a hard time accessing IJRR, so here is a direct link to all of Oussama Khatib's papers. We just looked at his first journal publication on Potential Fields from 1986:
- Mike
Turn collections of Pictures into video easy and free
Simple tutorial and link to the software both on this site:
- Joseph (Casey) Rogers